was put to the vote|be put to the vote in English

was voted upo

Use "was put to the vote|be put to the vote" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "was put to the vote|be put to the vote" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "was put to the vote|be put to the vote", or refer to the context using the word "was put to the vote|be put to the vote" in the English Dictionary.

1. The issue was put to the vote.

2. The motion under debate was put to a vote.

3. Let's put the matter to a vote.

4. We should put this to a vote.

5. We shall put to a vote expansion into the foreign field.

6. Put a cross beside the name of the candidate you wish to vote for.

7. A vote for the Greens will put pressure on the other parties to act responsibly.

8. The vote was always going to be close...

9. I will put the matter to the vote, and will accept one speaker against the proposal.

10. Mr Christodoulou's report (A4-0296/98) will also be put to the vote tomorrow, since the deadline for tabling amendments was only yesterday evening.

11. A member of the council who refuses to vote shall be deemed to vote in the affirmative. 20.

12. The vote was unanimous.

13. The big turning point in the vote seemed to be when both McConnell and Cornyn supported the Cloture vote

14. According to team rules, the vote has to be unanimous

15. A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.

16. By lunchtime, the vote was 12-0 to Acquit

17. The drop in the black vote was estimated to be more than one hundred thousand.

18. Bera would be honored to earn your vote.

19. When it was time to vote, he abstained.

20. - A vote to end filibuster debate is called a Cloture vote

21. The vote to kill the bills was 47 to with one abstention.

22. The unofficial vote has Bucka with 59 percent of the vote to Carney’s 41 percent

23. Why be a voter? Register to Vote; Update Your Voter Record; Vote from Home with a Mail Ballot

24. She was too young to vote in the national election.

25. The council vote was nearly unanimous.